Package frontend

Class Summary
FENode This is the individual link in which the frontEnd data structure will be comprised of.
frontEnd This is the front end of the application NAPS.
LinkedFENodeList This class will link together each nodes which is represented using the FENode class.
mibBrowser This class was developed as part of one of the two main frontend windows our project is dealing with.
NAPSFilter This class will simply act to filter out only .nap files when the Open and Save dialog window is open in the frontEnd.
nodeInfo Date: January 08 2004 Description: This window will be called upon when the user either double clicks or right clicks on a computer that he/she is monitoring.
RFCTreeGetter Please be aware that the comments are mostly from the old getNodeInfo code and are not up-to-date.
StatusBar This is the status bar object which is used in the frontEnd.